Sasha Grey - (2007-10-28) [1080p]
Title: Babysitters
Release Date: September 28, 2007
Plot Summary:"Babysitters" presents a narrative focused on the captivating influence that babysitters have on various individuals. The film features notable actors including Jesse Jane, Teagan Presley, Shay Jordan, and Sophia Santi. Set against a backdrop of suburban charm, the story delves into the unexpected activities of babysitters, which diverge from traditional childcare roles.
Content Overview:
The film is structured around seven distinct scenes that include a variety of adult themes and sexual acts, such as roleplay, oral and anal sex, and group encounters. The director, Robby D., blends engaging storytelling with explicit content, aiming to attract a diverse audience. The film incorporates light dialogue to enhance viewer engagement.
Sexual Acts Featured:
- Roleplay
- One-on-one interactions
- Various forms of oral sex
- Anal sex
- Group scenarios
Overall,"Babysitters" combines an intriguing plot with explicit adult content, appealing to a wide range of viewers.