JAV [ACZD-023] Girl In Paper Diapers And Girls In Cloth Diapers Club Selection [CENSORED]
The content is produced by Sanwa Shuppan and has a runtime of 188 minutes, with a resolution of 1920x1080, using H.264 codec at a framerate of 30fps. The material is censored and features unidentified performers.
The work appears to be a compilation of earlier content, similar to another title uploaded recently. The English translations credit the actresses as "Amateurs." The film consists of a series of vignettes featuring one or two women, culminating in a scene that includes a dominant male who is also filming. Each vignette showcases themes of submission, shame, and desperation, often involving diaper changes. Most scenes prominently feature diapers, while some include preliminary activities like panty-wetting. Dialogue occurs intermittently throughout but does not significantly contribute to the overall narrative.
Thumbnails and original resolution screenshots are available.