Rachel-steele.com siterip pt. 8
Rachel-steele.com siterip pt. 8
File size: 4.8 GiB
Resolution: 720p / 1080p
Format: h264
This pack features a new clip from rachel-steele.com and older missing clips from siterips by mje and myself. Nothing has been re-encoded and QTGMC was not used. Titles have been added to filenames.
Screens with descriptions: Show
DID1393 - Dom Day Afternoon
Professional dominatrix Rachel Steele was used to eccentric clients turning up to her house where she conducted her bondage sessions. The last one showed up at her door wearing coveralls and a ghoulish mask. Little did she know that he was a crazed sex fiend come to have his wicked way with her. She was so sure that he was a client that she did not even ask him to identify himself. Instead, she whisked him inside before her judgmental neighbors could see him. She then went straight to work, standing him against an X-frame and fastening his wrists in place using buckled leather manacles. In he to get on with things she did not do them properly. It was a bad mistake. Shortly into the session, after Rachel had verbally humiliated the man, raked her nails mischievously across his naked chest, and given him some tease-and-denial treatment, she turned away to pick a ball-gag. She intended to use it to further humiliate the man. But he turned the tables by suddenly breaking from his loose bindings and grabbing her roughly from behind. Rachel managed a brief yelp of surprise before she pinned her down on a nearby table. No longer a confident dominatrix, she pleaded with him. Do whatever you want, but please don't hurt me - she cried. The next thing she knew, the man had stripped her out of her leather outfit, leaving her in nothing but lingerie, garters, stockings, and heels. Her wrists and ankles had been bound together. Her mouth was plugged with her very own ball gag. Rendered thus helpless, she could do nothing to prevent her coming ordeal. First, briefly relieved of the ball gag, she was convinced to suck the man's cock while his hand pulled roughly at the back of her head. Then she was pushed onto her hands and knees and fucked hard and deep from behind. The dominant lady had become unenthusiastically submissive. When her moans and whimpers became too much for the man, he silenced her by making her wear the ball-gag again. He then fucked her some more on her side, in the missionary position, and from behind again. Finally, to Rachel's horror, he shot his load deep into defenseless pussy. Following the act, she collapsed on the bed, physically and mentally shattered. She was no longer a confident dominatrix. She was just a humbled woman, dreading the masked man's next move.
DID1394 - Wunder Woman vs. the Collector
The collector, a notorious art thief, knew it was only a matter of time before Wunder Woman showed up to take him down. The collector's plan fell into place as she arrived. The 8-carat diamond ring, stolen from the museum, was also magic and could render anyone helpless in seconds. Wunder Woman fell into his trap only to be memorized by the diamond ring. Wunder Woman woke to find her belt and panties a part of his collection. The collector enjoyed his newfound prize, encouraging the poor Wunder Woman to suck his cock and fuck him hard. When he was satisfied he left her in a heap assuming she would not move, but Wunder Woman;s strength came back. Wunder Woman was able to retrieve her belt and panties and escape! The collector has not seen the last of Wunder Woman!
DID1395 - Wunder Woman vs. the Mad Scientist and the Robot
Wunder Woman's phone rings and it is none other than the Mad Scientist! He warns of his new minion and a mysterious mind-control device, threatening the leaders of the free world. Wunder Woman simply can't stand for this, and transforms into her superheroine form, ready to take action. Aware of the location of the Mad Scientist's hideout, she makes her way there as stealthily as possible. Sneaking into the back of the house, she makes her way to the courtyard and up to the second-level balcony. She manages to get inside, and up the spiral staircase to the top level of the Mad Scientist's mansion. Once at the top, she turns around and is confronted by his newest minion! She tells him repeatedly that she doesn't want to fight him, and that he can't possibly defeat the one and only Wunder Woman, but the minion only repeats, "e;I do not understand..."e; Wunder Woman realizes that THIS minion is some sort of robot, and with only a little scuffle manages to indispose him. Suddenly, who should appear but none other than the Mad Scientist himself! Wunder Woman insists that he hand over the mind control device, but HE insists on giving her a demonstration first-hand! With a click of a button, Wunder Woman is brain-blasted and barely able to stand. The Mad Scientist keeps his finger on the button until Wunder Woman is completely brain-immobilized. The Mad Scientist's minion gets up, his real purpose, as bait, fulfilled. The Mad Scientist congratulates him on a job well done and offers Wunder Woman a delectable prize for his services. The minion easily picks up and carries Wunder Woman to his lair, where she has no choice but to please him. She gives him a blowjob, and is ravished in a number of positions as the minion enjoys the fruits of his labor!
DID1397 - Wunder Woman vs. Semina 2: A Piece of Wonder Woman
We pick up where we left off from Wunder Woman vs. Semina! Wunder Woman wakes strapped to a hospital bed. Semina is watching from the safety of her fortress via video cameras. The plan is to send poor Wunder Woman to an auction and sell her to the highest bidder. Semina's goon leads Wunder Woman off to the stage at the auction. Hundreds of rich evil villains watch via satellite, and several are there, lurking in the shadows. Without her belt she is weak and at their mercy! Wunder Woman is made to pose for the crowd, and the bids go up. The auctioneer demands Wunder Woman dance per the of a bidder, an exotic dance. She is told to pull her star-spangled panties up in her crotch to make a wedgies, and then up the back to show off her round ass. Wunder Woman is defiant but helpless! The bids soar. Finally, a mystery man has the last bid in, and Wunder Woman is sold to him. He appears out of the shadows with a silver mask on. Wunder Woman is taken back to the exam room where he examines his prize. Satisfied with the goods, he takes liberties with our superhero, fucking her mouth and her Wonder pussy until he creams all over her. The mystery man then packs Wunder Woman up in a box to ship her off. What will become of her now? Stay tuned!!!
MILF1364 - Woman Empowered
Rachel's married life had been like something out of the 1950s. While her husband was the family bread-winner and decision-maker, she happily got on with being the good little housewife and step-mother. Seldom had there been a woman so perfectly prim and demure - so sweet and sheltered and loyal. Outwardly she was a charming sight - always arrayed in some pretty, feminine dress or other. Her step-daughter, Eris, was the same. Rachel made sure to raise her that way. Meanwhile, her step-son, Kyle, took after his step-father. For a long time, this was the norm in Rachel's house, and all was well. Then, one tragic day, Rachel's husband died. From that moment on, the life of Rachel and her two kyds was to spin off in an undreamed-of direction. The thing that really got things going was the reading of the will. Since her husband did not think women should deal with finances or be independent, he left everything he had to Kyle. The young man effectively became his step-father's replacement - the new man of the house. Rachel was fine with this. She believed that was the way things should be. But Eris had different feelings. In key ways she differed from her step-mother. She had a rebellious streak, and was slightly more worldly. She sensed that she and her step-mother had been patronized and unfairly treated. It was not right that they should have to go running and begging Kyle every time they wanted something. While voicing her grievances about this to her step-mother, Eris grew so angry that she swore. This was shocking for Rachel. The demure step-mother nearly fainted. She could not believe what had come over her step-daughter. But Eris would not back down. She was finding herself as a woman. Desperately she tried to get her step-mother to open her eyes. She told her to get rid of her stuffy outfits - to liberate herself and unleash her long-suppressed sexiness. Then she could really start to live. She might land another husband as well. One who would treat her as an equal, and be more generous with his money. Rachel refused to give a moment's thought to her step-daughter's suggestions. Rather, she recommended Eris go take some of her special happy pills. The young woman was overwrought and not herself. But tensions only increased as time went on. One time Rachel and Eris were in the kitchen preparing supper. Rachel was in her finest home-maker form. She wore one of her loveliest dresses with an apron over the top. Her mood was bright and cheerful - until Kyle came in and Eris asked him to lend her some money. Despite Eris' best efforts, all she could get out of her step-brother was ten dollars. It was an insulting allowance. Losing her temper, she swore for a second time and marched out the room. Once again Rachel was appalled. She apologized to Kyle for his step-sister's rudeness and urged him to forget about it. Presently she went into the living room and saw the siblings sitting at different ends of the couch. They were not speaking to each other, and Eris appeared to be simmering with pent up fury. Rachel tried to improve the atmosphere with some positive comments, but it was all to no avail. Cracks were beginning to show in her once-perfect world, and she did not have a clue what to do about it. Later Rachel found Kyle resting in his step-father's old study. He had a bunch of files next to him. With a surge of motherly pride, Rachel guessed that her young man must have worked himself to exhaustion going over some outstanding tax-papers. However, she got a bit shock of when she flicked through the files to see how he had done. There among them - blatant and obscene - was a porno graphic magazine! Rachel rushed out of the study and showed the magazine to Eris. It was too much for the innocent step-mother to deal with. When Eris got at a look at it, she turned up her nose and called her step-brother a pervert. Then she gave Rachel another shock by declaring that he was just like his step-father. The step-mother asked her step-daughter what she meant, and Eris duly revealed some sordid details that she had long kept secret. Rachel's husband was not the man she thought he was. He had had affairs with his secretaries, cheated with the family maid, and hoarded a vast amount of pornography. Eris was a natural detective, and she had found plenty of evidence to prove her step-father's guilt. Rachel might have done so too - if she had been less trusting. Instead, she had been thoroughly duped by her husband. All the while that she had been the good wife, and he had been carrying on like a rat. It was a shattering blow to the step-mother. When Erin suggested that Kyle might follow in his step-father's footsteps, Rachel felt even worse. She could not allow that to happen. Something had to be done to prevent it. Eris grinned at her step-mother. She had just the solution. It was a case of 'like step-father, like step-son'. If Rachel's husband had a weakness for sex, then Kyle probably did too. Therefore, it was easily within Erin's and Rachel's power to get the better of the young man. All they had to do was unleash their inner wanton and seduce him. Once, that would have seemed an outrageous idea to Rachel. But now her neat moral world had fallen into chaos. Suddenly there were no boundaries to what she could do. She could be as wild and depraved as she liked. All her life she had been good, depriving her body of its needs. Now she could make up for lost time. She felt she owed that to herself. Eris did not need to think the matter over at all. She had always accepted her horniness. She had merely been biding her time to let it out. Straightaway she went and fetched a bag of lingerie. All the items had been bought by her step-father for his mistresses. She wanted for her and Rachel to wear them - so as to look the part for Kyle. Rachel felt nervous but finally agreed. In no time she was transformed from a reserved-looking housewife into a wild, scantily-clad vixen. Her long-concealed body, now on display, was a sight to behold. Rachel had such long, sleek legs - accentuated by her stockings and heels. Her tits were huge and firm, and they swelled tantalizingly in the confines of a small, tight bra. Eris underwent a similar transformation. She was glad to be rid of the stuffy, modest dress that her Rachel had picked for her. Now she wore some sexy lingerie of her own. It showed off her slim, nubile, pert-titted figure to perfection. For step-mother and step-daughter it was an unforgettable moment of liberation. They felt newly alive. All traces of their former morality had disappeared. Wasting no more, the pair headed straight to Kyle's bedroom. The young man was stunned when he saw his step-mother and his younger step-sister standing stridently before him in such revealing, uncharacteristic outfits. But he did not get a chance to ask questions. A pumped up Rachel took charge of the whole situation. She told Kyle about his step-father's cheating, and vented her anger at the way she had been deceived for so many years. She then revealed how she and Eris had come to make sure that Kyle did not get any ideas about behaving the same way. At that, both step-mother and step-daughter shrugged out of their robes and stepped toward the young man. Kyle could not resist them. Nor did he want to. What followed was an incredibly torrid step-mother-step-son-step-daughter threesome. Laying Kyle back on his bed, Rachel and Eris pulled out his big hard cock and took turns stroking and sucking it. A few hours earlier, Rachel had not even known what a blowjob was. Since then she had seen the inside of the porno magazine. It awakened her to a slew of possible sex acts - all of which she was determined to try out. She and Erin proved a couple of naturals at man-pleasing. Kyle was driven wild by their combined attentions. While having his cock licked and deep-throated by his horny step-sister, he would French-kiss with his step-mother - or suck on her exposed, long nippled tips. Then he would enjoy them the other way round. Rachel would be feasting on his cock, and Eris would be straddling his face - urging him to eat her out. In due course, step-mother mounted and step-son and rode up and down on his stiff length in the cowgirl position. It was her first time that way, and she loved every second of it. Next, Kyle gave her a long, deep, passionate fucking from behind while she was on her hands and knees. To make sure he was extra turned on, Eris lay nearby - legs parted and showing off her pussy to tease her step-brother. Naturally, Kyle could not keep his hands off her for long. He ended up treating Erin to a long fuck in the missionary position, then another doggy-style. The siblings had completely settled their differences. Eventually, Kyle blew his hot load all over his step-mother's and his step-sister's naked asses. Afterward, Rachel and Erin stood up and looked at Kyle in triumph. They had exercised their great sexual powers and gained a valuable hold on the young man. Having enjoyed their hot pussies, he would be addicted to them forever. He would be all theirs - and they would be his dominant bosses. At last, the tide had turned. The women in Rachel's house were the new, sexually-free rulers. They decided to begin their reign by ordering Kyle to sign all his inherited money over to them.
MILF1368 - Oedipal Complex, Seeding Grandma
Aaron had always felt a forbidden attraction to his grandmother, Jessica. She was a youthful, trim-figured, sweet-natured widow who could most often be seen wearing some pretty summer dress or other. Unfortunately for Aaron, school commitments had kept him from being with her as much as he would have liked. As a young man in the prime of horniness, he often suffered in his frustration. Thus, when he finally got a chance to pay her a visit, he determined to make the most of it. Jessica was delighted to open the door to see her grandson. She gave him a big, loving hug of welcome, spent some time in catch-up-talk with him, then asked if he would not mind accompanying her up to her room - where she had been trying to find a pair of shoes before he called. Aaron was fine with that. Following his grandmother, he could not help studying her from behind. Her bare calves were sleek and toned; her dress-clad butt made a sexy wiggle. Ascending the stairs, she lifted her hem so that her legs could move more freely. For Aaron, looking up from below, this allowed a great view of her shapely thighs. In his grandmother's bedroom, his eye-feast continued. Jessica got herself into all sorts of positions as she routed around for her shoes. Sometimes she stretched to check a high shelf; sometimes she got on her hands and knees to look under something. Aaron lost count of the hot flashes of flesh and panty that she accidentally gave him. That same evening, after supper, his grandmother excused herself and went upstairs to take a XXXX. Or so she said. In truth she was not tired at all. But she WAS feeling extremely horny and in need of some pussy relief. It was her own grandson that had gotten her worked up. She had always thought him a fine, handsome young man. Now her feelings for him were turning sexual. On her bed, she got her tits out and played with the a while. Then she parted her legs, tugged her panty crotch aside, and subjected her pussy to the longest and most intense of pleasing. Eagerly she rubbed the clit, massaged the mound, and fucked her fingers into her depths. Little did she know it, but Aaron had happened by her door while she was right in the middle of her fun. He had come hoping to get another gXXXXse of her, and had ended up hitting the jackpot. It made him rock hard to see his own grandmother in the throes of ecstasy - so lustful and wanton. Careful not to be heard, he pulled out his cock and started stroking off to the sight of her. Come night, in his room, he was getting himself off again. But, all of a sudden, without XXXXing, his grandmother entered to ask him something. She now wore a long night-gown. Aaron was deeply embarrassed. Having covered himself up, he tried to make an excuse for his actions. But none came to mind. Instead he told his grandmother the truth of how he was stroking himself because of her. To his surprise, his grandmother did not seem to mind. In fact, she looked amused and aroused. Moving up close to him, she confessed that she had done something similar because of Aaron. This defused all awkwardness between grandson and grandmother disappeared. From that moment on, they knew they had a mutual desire, and they were not afraid or ashamed to fulfill it. Incredible, taboo action followed. First Jessica took hold of her grandson's cock and gave it a long, expertly sensual handjob. She had not touched such a big stiff piece of man meat for years - especially one so young and charged with virility. Briefly she broke off to lift the front of her nightgown, revealing her body in full-frontal, and inviting Aaron to rub and finger her hungry, exposed pussy. Then she went back to stroking him off until he was as hard could be. When Aaron asked if his grandmother if he could stick his cock in her, she happily agreed - on the proviso that what happened would be their little secret. A moment later, Jessica was poised over her grandson's lap, easing herself up and down his stiff length, cowgirl-style. The young man groaned at the coming true of his fantasy. His grandmother threw back her head, arched her back, and gasped and sighed with passion. For the longest time she rode him - fucking herself wild. In the intensity of their pleasure, the pair muttered filthy, taboo things to each other. The grandmother begged repeatedly for her grandson to pound her with his big cock while he gripped her hips; the grandson replied - talking of how badly he wanted to flood his grandmother's hot pussy with his cum. Presently Jessica took off her nightgown. While her now naked body bucked and writhed atop her grandson's, Aaron got a good look at her pretty, bouncing tits, then reached up to fondle them. The pair finished up with an intense fuck in the missionary position. Just as he had hoped, Aaron got to keep his cock in his grandmother as he came. Straining, thrusting, he blasted every last drop of her potent creamy see into her deepest depths. Afterward, Jessica lay breathless - as happily fucked as she could remember. Several months down the line, Aaron paid another visit to his grandmother. This time there was a difference in her appearance. Her once slender waist was now swollen from pregnancy. Both she and Aaron were thrilled at this turn of events. The grandmother had always wanted to have another baybee before her body-clock ran out. Thanks to her grandson, that wish had come true.
MILF1420 - Freezing Females, Doll Sex: Katie and Nito Dolls HD
Devious genius Dr Geppetto is back. This time his client is an Arab sheik who wants a pair of American-style robot-dolls that will perform sex-acts on each other for his voyeuristic amusement. From responses to a phony modeling ad he put out, Geppetto is easily able to find two ideal candidates for special nano-transformation into the necessary dolls. The unsuspecting, soon-to-be-victims, are a young and attractive couple - Katie and her boyfriend Nito. At his home, Geppetto turns on all the charm while pretending to interview the pair about the modeling job. He then offers them a drink for refreshment. Like a former victim of Geppetto's, they believe he refers to a Nana Smoothie. However, as soon as they take their first sip, they realize that it is something else. Seeing Katie's and Nito's surprise, Geppetto casually and good-naturedly informs them that they have actually tasted of a NANO smoothie instead. Its name comes from the nanobots it contains. Already these minute robots are taking over their bodies and minds - changing the couple's natures from within. Confused, alarmed, feeling they are in the presence of a mad-man, Katie and Nito try to flee from the house. They manage only a few steps before their bodies completely cease up on them. Within seconds they cannot even speak. They have become as still and as unthinking as statues. Geppetto expected as much. As calm as ever, he takes out a device by which he can control the newly enslaved couple. He spends a long time running tests with it - refining its algorithms. Both human dolls - Katie in particular - are made to walk around and assume different poses. Their movements have an almost mechanical stiffness. Sometimes Geppetto hits a freeze button that instantly stops them mid-act. Presently, he leads the couple into a bedroom. Katie's outfit has been changed to stockings, skimpy underwear, and a see-through top. Her face is made up so to give her a doll-like look. Nito wears nothing but a pair of underpants. Geppetto gets Katie to kneel and Nito to stand in front of her. A long test of Katie's blowjob skills ensue. He makes sure she is able to vary things - to suck hard or lick gently, to focus on the cock-tip or deep throat down to the balls. Her head bobs with vigor as she asserts herself on the rigid and motionless Nito. Then Geppetto freezes Katie and puts Nito in charge. The young man takes hold of Katie's unmoving head and thrusts his hips forward - fucking his cock between her parted lips. To study the dolls' performances more closely, Geppetto freezes them several more times. He is very pleased to see the perfect obedience of Katie as she keeps her mouth stuffed full of her boyfriend's meat. Following these tests, Geppetto decides to let the full sex commence. He runs Katie and Nito through a score of positions - including missionary, doggy, cowgirl, standing-missionary, and side-on. He even has them repeat some of them as he makes checks and double-checks. He gets Katie to perform hot little acts such as fondling her tits and talking dirty. Her words come out slightly stilted, as though spoken by a robot. Geppetto also continues to randomly freeze one or other of the couple. On occasion he has Katie stay still while Nito is instructed to go all out - fucking his girlfriend's pussy with hard, rhythmic strokes from behind, on top, beneath. Other times it is Katie who does the work. In her nano-doll state, she displays a wanton sexpertise that would leave her former self ashamed. With almost liquid movement, she grinds her hips and works her pussy up and down on Nito's poised cock. Finally, Geppetto wants to make sure that the algorithm for Nito shooting his load is correct. He has Katie lie on her back with her face presented as a target. Nino then succeeds in jerking out a load of hot creamy cum that coats Katie's lips and chin. Geppetto is delighted. He feels that the couple have given a perfect performance. His sheik client will love them. Smiling, he tidies Katie's fuck-disheveled appearance, and puts both her and Nito into suspended animation. The good couple will never know of their fate - of becoming mindless, robotic sex-performers in a distant land.
MILF1510 - Desperate Housewife, Loneliness Breeds Lust
Rachel felt neglected by her husband and frustrated with the state of their marriage. No matter how hard she tried, she could not get Joe to spend any time with her anymore. If she planned a romantic night out for them both, he would invariably let her down by forgetting about it. When he did remember, he would come up with an excuse to put it off. This typically involved his being too tired or busy on account of work. Of late Rachel had faced more disappointments from him than usual. Believing they were going to spend the evening at a fancy restaurant, she donned a sexy dress, styled her hair elegantly, then came into the living room only to find that Joe was not ready. He could not be bothered to go ahead with the date, and he did not even compliment his wife's lovely appearance. An argument followed, and Rachel told her husband he would have to spend the night on the couch. A couple of days later, she came to see him in his office. She and Joe were supposed to have lunch together. Once again, however, Joe opted out. He said there was an important meeting that he had to attend. Back home, Rachel was feeling down. She poured herself a martini and was about to down it when there came a XXXX at the door. Answering it, she was surprised to see Gavin - a friend of her son Jeremy. The young man had his luggage with him. Sheepishly he told Rachel that he had just broken up with his girlfriend and been kicked out of her apartment where he had been staying. He currently had nowhere else to go, and was hoping that Jeremy might take him in for a day or so. As it happened, Rachel's son was off touring Europe. Nevertheless, she promised Gavin that he could stay. She was sure Joe would be too wrapped in other thing things to mind. Later, in the living room, the pair talked and bonded. Gavin could tell Rachel was unhappy with her husband from the tension in her voice whenever she referred to him. In spite of this, she had gone to the trouble of cooking Joe a casserole for his supper. This proved to be a wasted effort - for he presently phoned her to say he would be working very late at the office. Little did Rachel know it, but Joe was deceiving her. He really had plans to visit his mistress. And so it was that a very put-out Rachel ended up spending the evening watching a movie with Gavin. They stayed up so late that they fell aXXXX snuggled together. Joe did not get back until one in the morning. He spent a few moments talking to his wife and his son's friend, then headed on to bed. Both his lateness and his off-hand manner made Rachel suspicious. A couple of weeks passed without any change in Joe's habits. One Saturday Joe still found some reason not to be around. While Rachel was folding some laundry in her room, he came in and told her he was going out to the bar to see some friends. She challenged him on this, but did not get anywhere. After he had left, she threw herself down on her bed, on the verge of crying. Then Gavin came in. He had overheard things, and wanted to make sure that his friend's hot mom was feeling okay. Rachel sighed and told him her concerns and frustrations about Joe. Seeing that she needed a pick-me-up, Gavin talked her in to going out with him and having some fun. That night the pair partied, drank, and came back home very merry. There Gavin confessed to Rachel that he thought she was a lovely hot woman - too good for Joe. Seconds later, he gave her long, open-mouthed kiss. Rachel met it with equal passion. When they reluctantly parted, they laughed in embarrassment. In the morning they were hung over but happy. Joe, however, was in a bad mood. He grumbled about Gavin still being present, then headed off to do his own thing rather than be sociable. Sensing the bad vibes, Gavin and Rachel went to the pool room to relax over a game. The drink from last night was still in their systems, and they still had their horny urges to contend with. Several times they intimately bumped bodies as they moved around the table. This so aroused Gavin that he again lost control and kissed Rachel. As before, Rachel met it with an equal passion of her own. Immediately after, Gavin apologized and left the room. But Rachel felt full of excitement. She tried to think the situation over. The first kiss could be seen as a one-off. The second showed that something serious might be developing between her and Gavin. All of sudden, she realized that she wanted that to be the case. Come the next morning, she was enjoying a coffee in the kitchen while a sour-faced Joe sat reading a newspaper in the adjoining living room. He was a just few feet away with his back facing her. Presently, Gavin came to offer her further apologies for his recent behavior. But Rachel's reaction came as a surprise. She suddenly initiated a kiss between them - every bit as passionate as the one Gavin had started. An instant later, the couples desire had driven things into overdrive. There was no guilt or hesitation about what was happening. They both wanted it more than anything. Even with Joe so near, they proceeded to get it on. They tried to be as quiet as they could be, and they were aided by the fact that Joe was lost in his own business. On the heels of their kissing and mutual caressing, Rachel dropped to her knees, opened Gavin's pants, pulled out his big hard cock, and started sucking it for all she was worth. She feasted upon it - licking it all over and taking it as deep as she could. Occasionally she and Gavin glanced at Joe and grinned to know how audaciously they were cuckolding him. When Gavin returned her favor by eating her pussy out while she lay semi-naked on the kitchen counter, Rachel had to put a hand over her mouth - lest her aroused moans should give them away. Moments after the couple had finished this bout of foreplay, Joe growled for Rachel to bring him a coffee. Here Gavin saw an excellent opportunity to get back at her neglectful grouch of a husband. In his possession was a special pill that brought deep XXXX to whoever took it. With Rachel's consent, he dropped it in the drink they were preparing for Joe. Rachel then took it out to him. Soon after tasting it, her husband felt dizzy and announced that he was going to his room to lie down. While giving the pill time to fully work, Rachel and Gavin kissed and fondled some more on the couch. Then they went to find Joe - and commence the wicked scheme they had in mind. The first thing Joe knew upon waking up was that he had been tied to a chair and gagged. His wife and his son's best friend were grinning at him. Confused, angry, he tried to struggle free. But it was all in vain. Rachel had him captive, and she was going to make him hear a few home truths and teach him a lesson that he would never forget. The scene of this lesson was to be his own marital bed. With that, Rachel and Gavin shared an erotic kiss, ran their hands over each other's bodies, and began a mutual undressing. Meanwhile, Joe watched in helpless XXXX. Before long Rachel was stripped down to her lingerie and gleefully sucking on Gavin's big cock - right in plain view of her husband. This action continued on the bed. There Rachel removed her bra, climbed on top of her young lover, and invited him to play with her breasts and suck on her nipples while she erotically dry-rode him. Gavin reveled in getting a handful of Rachel's amazing charms. His enjoyment was heightened by the knowledge that her husband was looking on impotently. Shortly after, Rachel returned to sucking his cock. This she did for the longest time - with even greater expertise and sensuality than before. Then Gavin rewarded her with a thorough pussy licking that made her moan and buck and fondle herself in ecstasy. Constantly she and Gavin said something to mock and torment Joe. They loved letting him know how much pleasure they were giving each other. Rachel especially relished pointing out how superior Gavin was at satisfying her. Eventually, after their epic warm up action, the pair got down to some serious, hard fucking. First Gavin dominated Rachel in the doggy-position - slamming his cock into her pussy with such force that his hips crashed audibly against her butt. Rachel's moans of utter delight filled the room. Never had she been fucked so good. She teetered on the brink of multiple orgasms - leaving Joe in no doubt of Gavin's superior cocksmanship. Her pleasure was just as intense during the subsequent missionary-style fuck. Rachel parted her sleek, nylon-clad legs, as wide as she could in order to get every last inch of his cock inside of her. Over and over she gasped and begged him to fuck her senseless. Then, at last, Gavin felt the need to cum. Eager to taste it, Rachel knelt with her mouth over his cock. A series of strokes and she finally get what she wanted: a gush of hot white cream all over her tongue. Afterwards, Rachel gave her husband the moral of her little demonstration: If he wanted to overcome the humiliation of being a cuckolded man, he had better make up for his previous failures by giving her endless Gavin-style fucks in the future. Having said this, she decided to snuggle up to XXXX with her young lover. Both of them were sweetly exhausted. They were not concerned about setting Joe free yet. He could sit and suffer a while longer.
MILF1518 - Freezing Males, Son's Revenge
Lonely and horny widow Rachel Steele discovered an amulet that could be used to control the minds of others without their knowing it. In possession of such unique power, she became morally corrupt and ultimately committed the depraved act of turning her own son into her fuck-slave so that she would never again lack the thrill of hot sex in her life. On one typical morning, Rachel wakes in her bed with a contented look on her face and no clothing on her shapely, big-titted body - except some stockings and garters. Next to her lies the naked, unmoving, zombified son whom she has spent all the previous night fucking. Taking one glance at him and his big, exposed cock, the ever-lusting mother decides to start her day with yet another bout of intense and forbidden fornication. It is easy to get her son to cooperate. A brief swing of the amulet before his eyes, a few soft and suggestive words in his ear, and she has him programmed with a list of fuck-deeds to perform. The first of these is for him to simply let his mother suck him off for a while. After all the pleasure her son given her of late, Rachel feels a generous urge to repay him. Thus she instructs him to stand up against her bedroom wall so that she can kneel before his upstanding cock and lavish it with attention from her tongue and lips and mouth. For a long time she sucks on her statue-still, vacant-eyed boi. Gracefully her brunette head moves backs and forth, carrying her tight-draw lips far down his length, then up to the top, then down again towards the root. Unfortunately, however, the mother is eventually interrupted in her master class of sucking by the ringing of a phone. With an annoyed mutter, she gets up, apologizes to her son, speaks the command Freeze to him, and goes off to answer it. In so doing, she happens, without knowing it, to bump her son as she passes by - consequently knocking him off balance so that he topples backwards and bumps his against the wall. This stuns his brain out of its trance, and leaves him stood wondering what is going on. It does not take him long to work out the answer. The clues tell it all: he has naked, in his mother's room, with his cock hard and the smell of her on his body. Anger comes upon him - but not because he has been made to fuck his own mother. He is comfortable with that because he has always thought her a tremendously hot MILF. It is the fact that he has been deceived and used without his knowledge that bothers him. Looking down at the palm of his hand, he sees the amulet. Rachel absently put it there before leaving. The son guesses it function, and suddenly gets the idea of using it to turn the tables on his mother - both for fun and sweet revenge. At that moment, Rachel herself hurries back into the room, eager to get back down to business. Her son feigns being in his mind-controlled state in order not to give his game away. Then his mother is on her knees again, happily gorging herself on his big cock. At the end of the long and intense period of sucking, she climbs onto her bed, parts her long legs to lay her pussy open to her son's view, and tells him to eat it out. Her son duly does so - pulling out all the stops to please her into complacency. As his tongue works his magic, his mother fondles herself and moans and speaks affectionately about what a good and caring son he is. Sometime after, she gets on all fours and has him fuck her hard from behind. From the relentless way he pounds his big cock into her, jolting her body and making her cry out in dirty-worded ecstasy, she cannot imagine that he is not really mind-controlled any more. But, all of a sudden, he demonstrates his freedom of action by dangling the amulet before his mother's eyes. The instant she looks upon it, her whole body freezes, and she falls into a deep trance. The son grins in response. With Rachel now his slave, he runs a series of tests on her - ordering her to assume certain poses, then getting her to freeze or unfreeze. He plays with her tits and puts her arms in various positions as if she were a stop-motion model. Next he lays her out on the bed, opens her legs, and gives her a kiss on the cheek. In her rigid, awkward, frozen pose, Rachel resembles a huge Barbie doll. However, before the son can do anything else, he receives a call from his girlfriend Misty. She is on her way over, and she does not sound happy. Having dressed, he goes downstairs and presently welcomes her in. Immediately Misty starts complaining to him. It turns out that she has not seen him for several weeks due to his constant and mysterious desire to stay home. The son was unaware of this at the time, but he now understands that his mother must have been keeping him close at hand for fucking purposes. When Misty continues to berate him, he gets the idea of using the amulet on her. Just as with Rachel, she becomes a mindless slave upon looking at it. From then on, the son turns corrupt and exploits her - just as his mother had done with him. Up in the bedroom, he has the naked Misty lie down so that he can kiss her all over, suckle on her pert tits, and eat out her pussy. This done, he instructs her to return the favor by sucking him off. Truly an obedient, unthinking slave, Misty performs his every command to the utmost of her ability. She works her lips busily and eagerly up and down his cock for a long time - until it is rock hard and ripe for shoving in her pussy. Two positions then follow. The first sees the son fuck his girlfriend deep and passionately - doggy-style. The second sees Misty ride him hard from on top. In the midst of all this fun, Rachel walks in, stiffly. She wears white lingerie, her face is void of expression, and her gaze is utterly vacant. In her hands she holds a tray bearing a glass of beer. Discreetly she takes up a place to one side of the room - a humble servant poised to obey her master-son's every command. For some time, she remains where she is while he enjoys having his nubile girlfriend fuck herself busily and bouncingly up and down on his cock. Then, seeing that he is close to cumming, she draws near, kneels, and places the tray at his side. With both two hot women present and completely under his influence, the son makes sure to press his full advantage. Instructing Misty to move alongside his mother, he gets them both to team up and stroke and suck a huge pent-up cum load from his cock. Heavily it spatters and streaks their unflinching faces and enters their open mouths. Yet neither of them have the slightest idea of what has been done to them. This promises a perfect arrangement for the son. In future he will be able to have countless more fuck-sessions like the present one. As for Rachel, she has gone from powerful manipulator to zombie-like slave. Not that she would mind too much. The important thing for her is that, once way or another, she will still be getting her sons sweet cock.
MILF1529 - Lesbian Chronicles, My First Time With Rachel
This is a non-scripted video, different from what we usually produce. Rachel is visited by a fan on her 19th birthday. She has never had sex with a man or a woman. She wanted Rachel to be her first.
MILF1537 - Cheating Housewife, Rachel's Needs Are Met.
Rachel was the sexy, hedonistic wife of a wealthy businessman. Due to her own horny nature and her husband's commitment to his work, she often cheated on him with other men. Her favorite types were those young, virile, eager to please ones. She felt no shame or guilt and doing so, and even playfully competed with a girlfriend to see who could seduce more of them over a week. At present they were both level on four. But Rachel felt sure she could break the tie and pull ahead. Home alone while her husband attended another of his business trips, she reclined in a chair beside her pool, sipping on a martini and speaking on the phone with her friend. The next object for seductive wiles would be coming over very soon, she explained. He was a young landscaper whom she had called out to look at her garden - and a lot more besides, if her luck permitted. As soon as he arrived, Rachel went to straight to work on him her subtle, sexy and suggestive way. First she showed him the area out back that she would like him to re-design. At the same time she stood before him with her big breasts pushed out and her rounded hips cocked provocatively. To whet his erotic imagination, she mentioned how she enjoyed sunbathing topless - or even naked - at her place. The young man laughed shyly, but he certainly had no problem with a voluptuous lady like Rachel doing such a thing. Later, in the house, she discussed the job with him more detail. While he showed her some of his designs on his laptop, she made sure to lean close that he could see down her cleavage. She also crossed and uncrossed her long legs - presenting him a good sight of her toned thighs beneath the short hem of her outfit. After this phase of flirtation, Rachel told the landscaper that she wanted him - and only him - to work on her garden. She would pay him extra if he declined to bring his colleague along. The landscaper agreed, and Rachel asked him to estimate price on the work to be done. Meanwhile, she went off to room to get changed. There she donned some tight red lingerie that graced her luscious, curvy body to perfection. Next she put on a black satin suspender belt and sexily slid a pair of black silk stockings up her sleek, bare legs. Over everything she wore a silky robe. Thus dressed, she presently headed back to the landscaper, and boldly made her opening move. Do you finds me attractive? She asked of him as she opened the robe and let it slide off. The landscaper got one look at Rachel bared in her lingerie and stockings and nodded with a lump his throat. He was all hers from that moment. Once again Rachel the irresistible cougar had worked her magic and ensured herself another day of hot-young-stud fucking. Joining him on the couch, she got to him put his work aside. Then she asked him to give her the attention that her husband deprived her of so much. The landscaper willingly did as he was bid. Praising Rachel's legs, he started to kiss all the way up their silk-clad length. In a short time her and his hot employer were stood in a passionate embrace, French-kissing and letting their hands rove over each others bodies. Rachel always took great delight in cheating on her husband. Aloud she mentioned that there was a chance he would come back and catch them having their fun. Not that she cared. Soon she was lying back on a couch, her legs parted and her panty crotch pulled aside, writhing and moaning as the landscaper expertly licked and tongued her exposed pussy. It was an epic pleasuring - which she continued to enjoy on her hands and knees and with the landscaper behind. Following this she unclasped her bra to free up her lovely big breasts. While the landscaper fondled and suckled upon them, she shared a long kiss with him and straddled his lap to XXXX his face and allow him to nurse on her all the better. For his part, the landscaper rubbed his fingers over her wet, panty-covered pussy. Then things got even hotter as Rachel went on to suck the landscaper's hard cock with all immense sensuality and skill at her disposal. Again and again she eased her tight-drawn lips from tip to balls. By the end of it, she had the landscaper raring to fuck her brains out. The action came in the doggy-position, and Rachel got all the satisfaction she could have hoped for out her young lover. From behind he gripped her lips tight and thrust his cock into her depths with the greatest of enthusiasm. Rachel's face contorted in lust-ecstasy, and she gasped and cried out in delight while her big breasts swayed under her from the force of her fucking. Finally, kneeling before the landscaper, she jerked down the home stretch until he shot all his hot white cream to her open, smiling mouth. Rachel loved her boi-juice, and she afterwards smeared it happily over her lips. Did you like that? the landscaper asked. Rachel smiled back. She sure did. She then held up her finger sporting a diamond ring given her by her husband. She said it was a good job for him that he kept her sweet with such things. Otherwise she would have finished with him ages ago. Then she turned her attention back to her latest conquest and made him promise to take his time on the landscaping job, and not allow himself to become distracted by some of the other horny women in the neighborhood. Rachel was thinking of her friend and competitor. And, with that, she told the landscaper she had to go make phone call. In terms of weekly fucks with young studs, Rachel was one up and in the lead - and eager to let her friend know it.
MILF1836 - Best Friend's Manipulating Son
Rachel&s good friend asked her to spend a few days with her adult son while she was out of town. Her son Ares was not happy with the choice. Rachel set the rules in place and then headed off to bed for a nap. Ares quietly crept upstairs to peek in on Rachel, maybe he&d catch her undressing. Instead, Rachel was on the bed fully clothed but her legs were open and he could see her hairy red milf pussy peeking. Ares, hard as a rock for her began to gently massage her beautiful body. Rachel told him to stop. He then asked her if she&d be part of a magic trick he&d been working on, and she agreed. Rachel is now cuffed and ball-gagged. She&s willing and ready for a hard fucking. Watch as she gets pounded by her best friend&s manipulating son.