LoadMyMouth.com - Debi Diamond (PARTIAL) DTD
A deleted scene featuring Debi Diamond and Brandon Iron has been identified, previously available on LoadMyMouth. com. This scene has since been removed, and there is uncertainty about its availability and download history. Brandon Iron has provided clarification on the situation, confirming the scene's removal from the site. The edited version of the scene is approximately 6 minutes and 15 seconds long, while the full scene is estimated to be around 20 minutes. A request has been made for anyone who may have access to the complete scene to come forward. In exchange for fulfilling this request, there are offers of 300GB+ uploads or credits for uploading purposes. The individual expressing interest in the scene appreciates Debi Diamond's performance, noting her enjoyment of the content. This edited version is considered a close alternative to the complete scene, which is hoped to be released in the future.