The Lucinda Foxton School of Harlotry by Jetstream (eBook) (MOBI EPUB)
The Lucinda Foxton School of Harlotry by Jetstream
Four parts to this English, public girl&s school smut read!
Included are epub and mobi.
Excerpt from the story:
The next morning, the first class for the new girls was held in the Sperm Lab. This was a large room like a chemistry lab, with mysterious apparatus placed on the benches. The tutor was a full lipped brunette in her late twenties, who addressed the girls casually. "e;Hi, I just want to do a quick check before we get started, so could I just have a quick show of hands: who here has actually had experience of facial comes before?"e; Six or seven hands shot proudly up, having lost the reticence of the previous day. Their teacher smiled knowingly.
"e;Yes, I&m not talking about blow-jobs, here - I don&t mean tidy little comes in the back of your throat from your boyfriend, where you swallow a teaspoonful of salty fluid, and he looks at you as if he&ll love you forever."e; The hands became a little more hesitant, two of them finally dropping down, crestfallen. "e;Who here has had an adult dick splatter a full load of spunk in their faces, possibly getting it in their eyes, and up their nose?"e; Only two hands remained - Charlotte&s and that of a blue-eyed freckle-faced redhead called Helen. The teacher made a note.
"e;Thank you, hands down,"e; he said. "e;You see, the problem with facial comes is not just getting to like sperm - or spunk, as I prefer to call it, - though you will have to do that, but learning not to react adversely to it. You see, men&s spunk is not under their control. Their cocks flip up, and suddenly it&s spurting all over the place - in your eyes, your nose, your ears, maybe over your clothes, where you didn&t want it, shooting over your hair which you&ve just had very expensively done.
The trouble is, if you&ve landed a major porn part, and you&ve just given your stud the most amazing blow-job, curling your tongue around and over his cock, so that you&ve almost got the producer creaming his pants, and then you flinch as soon as his spunk starts shooting, then you&ve ruined the come- shot. You remember the old adage ‘The customer is right?& Well, you should always be thinking to yourselves, ‘the spunk is always right& It doesn&t matter if that sounds silly, it&ll stick in your heads, which, incidentally is what the spunk&ll do unless you wash it out& Some of the girls tittered at this weak pun, but most were thinking deeply about the significance of her words.
‘What that means is that wherever the spunk goes is right. Love it, no matter what.& She wandered over to the apparatus. ‘What we have here is a number of syringes which will, at a randomly programmed moment, simulate an ejaculation. They contain a tasteless fluid of the same colour and consistency of spunk. We want you to play with these things, pretending that they are cocks, and trying NOT to react adversely when they spunk you.& And so the girls got down to the activity. The syringes were shaped like big vibrators with a hole at the top, and they soon discovered that at any moment, a viscous grey fluid would erupt from the tip of the cocks, and spray them wherever it was. The girls worked in pairs, advising each other on their reactions whenever a ‘come& took place, pumping their faces with come, splattering a new bra, shooting over a knickered mound. Most of the class looked like they had received a multiple gang-bang when the door opened and a bemused messenger boy entered. They giggled at him as he shyly approached the teacher. "e;The head wants to see Charlotte Pennyworth."e; he said.
"e;I suppose you think that because we are a school of harlotry we have no standards, is that it?"e; said the headmaster, as Charlotte stood, head bowed, at his desk. She had anticipated something of this kind, so had played along by wearing the full schoolgirl gear: black court shoes, black stockings and suspenders, white cotton knickers, pleated blue skirt above the knee, a crisp regulation white blouse, and a frilly white bra. Her hair had a single ribbon in it.
"e;N-no sir,"e; she stammered convincingly.
"e;It was a disgraceful display, absolutely disgraceful! Golden showers are for graduates only, and especially not in the dining hall!"e;
"e;No sir."e;
"e;You say ‘no sir,& but I&m not convinced. What&s to stop it happening again? I mean, how full is your bladder now?"e;
"e;Completely, sir."e;
"e;What? When was the last time you went to the lavatory?"e;
"e;Last night, sir"e; she admitted, loving her little play-act.
"e;What? Did you not even go this morning?"e;
"e;I was late for school sir, so I didn&t have time.."e; She was even managing to affect an innocent little lisp.
"e;Good god, girl! It&s despicable! So I suppose you&re standing here quite desperate to go, are you?"e;
"e;Desperate!"e; she declared and moved her hand to clutch at her groin through her skirt.
"e;Take that hand away at once!"e; he shouted. "e;A big girl like you doesn&t need her hand to keep her piss in!"e; Dutifully she took her hand away, and immediately a spray of golden fluid spurted from under her skirt, quickly dying to a little trickle down her stockings. The headmaster watched in outrage at this misbehaviour.
"e;This has gone far enough. Since you insist on immersing yourself in perverse debauchery, you will learn about the subject from me. You will be spanked, buggered, and then and only then will you be allowed to piss. Is that clear?"e;
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