John J Argus - The Dark Library [ebook]
Book Cover and Plot Summary****Title: [Not Provided]Plot Summary: The story follows a character named Hannah, who holds a master's degree in Library Sciences but struggles with student debt and unemployment. She accepts a temporary position cataloging the library of Lord Carling, a wealthy and arrogant nobleman living in an old manor house. Upon exploring the library, Hannah discovers rare books about bondage and slavery that intrigue her. Her curiosity leads her to a hidden passage that descends into an ancient dungeon. After accidentally locking herself in a cell, she is discovered by Lord Carling, which initiates a complex and darkly erotic relationship centered on submission and bondage. The fantasy of being a slave girl in a dungeon captivates her, offering an escape from her mundane life. As their relationship develops, Hannah realizes that Lord Carling’s intentions may go beyond mere play. He begins to train and discipline her, pushing her deeper into the role of a submissive. Despite her intelligence and awareness of the situation, Hannah grapples with her desires and the excitement of submission. The narrative raises questions about her ability to resist the allure of becoming a true slave to a man who embodies the very opposite of nobility.
Additional Information:
- Print Length: 118 pages
- Publication Date: November 19, 2011
- Language: English
- ASIN: B006ATX7E6
Tags: Themes include slave training, intense bondage, pet play, and various sexual acts.