Cyalith Hitting the Jackpot again (Hands free orgasm) Audio File Only
This audio file serves as a resource for achieving hands-free orgasms through hypnosis. It is designed to enable listeners to experience orgasm solely by listening to the audio, without any physical touch or visual aids. The file combines a hypnosis script inspired by the Isabella Valentine "Jackpot" trigger with a more appealing voice that provides explicit details during the session. The creator of this audio is not a professionally recognized artist, and little information about them is available. The audio was initially downloaded over four months ago, and inquiries about its origins have gone unanswered. It is believed that the hypnosis script was written by someone, recorded by an individual named Cylith, and enhanced with binaural sounds for better effectiveness. The audio is 46 minutes long, has a file size of 22,198 kb, and is in MP3 format, designed for auditory experience only. It incorporates multiple commands beyond the original Jackpot trigger and employs a more direct approach to maintain listener engagement. For those unfamiliar with the concept, resources can be found by searching the Isabella Valentine Jackpot series and exploring discussions on hypnosis-orgasm techniques in relevant forums.