- Closing the Deal - Natalia Starr (Oculus)
Title: Closing the Deal (Oculus)Official Description: A highly motivated real estate agent is determined to sell a house, going to great lengths to impress prospective buyers. Summary of Scene:
The real estate agent demonstrates her enthusiasm while showcasing the property.
During the house tour, an accident occurs where water is sprayed on her shirt.
She continues the tour in the laundry room, removing her shirt to dry it while still discussing the home’s features.
The scene transitions to a sauna, where she performs yoga poses, enhancing the visual appeal.
The tour concludes in the bedroom, where she engages in intimate activities to further entice the buyer. Release Details:
Release Date: September 30, 2016
Length: 38 minutes and 22 seconds
Resolution: 3400x1700
Bitrate: 32 Mb/s
Framerate: 60 FPS
File Size: 8.