Goddess Saffron - The DOMINATOR
In the year 3082, a significant conflict has emerged between patriarchy and matriarchy, leading to a state of heightened tension. Female supremacy has become dominant, with power firmly in the hands of women. The male population faces existential threats, resulting in a majority becoming compliant and obedient, having adopted a new belief system known as Saffronism, which centers around the worship of a deity named Goddess Saffron. As Saffronism spreads across humanity, its followers, the Saffronists, unite with the dominant females to form a powerful army consisting of cyborgs known as Dominators. These cyborgs are designed in the likeness of Goddess Saffron. Their mission involves traveling back to the year 2025 to seduce and enslave any remaining resistant males. The Dominators replicate themselves, exerting control and conditioning over those who oppose the female-led society. The narrative poses a question to its audience, challenging them to consider their stance: whether to resist or to embrace the role of a submissive follower of Saffronism. The message concludes with a declaration that the future is predetermined, shaped by the choices made in the present. By the end of the presentation, the expectation is that viewers will align themselves with this new allegiance.