Chica Boom
Title: Chica Boom (1999)
Overview:"Chica Boom" is a film released in 1999 by Kick Ass Pictures, featuring a series of adult scenes with various performers. Each scene includes a combination of sexual acts, primarily focusing on explicit interactions between partners.
Scene Summaries: 1. Melody & Roy: Melody teaches Roy the cha cha, then engages in sexual activities including dancing, nudity, and various positions such as doggy and side saddle. The scene culminates in a facial..
Charlene & Jack: Charlene discusses Jack's tattoos while stripping. The scene features titty play, solo activities, and multiple sexual positions, ending with a facial..
Aurora & Guy: Aurora performs a striptease and engages in teasing and sexual acts, including various riding positions and a facial finish..
Carmen & Oliver: Carmen has an interview, followed by a stripping sequence. She incorporates oil play and engages in several sexual acts, concluding with an open mouth facial..
Jayne & Brandon: Jayne performs a striptease and explores various forms of sexual play, including anal activities and finishes with ejaculation on her feet.
Content Description: The film contains a variety of sexual acts including blowjobs, anal sex, cunnilingus, and different positions such as doggie, missionary, reverse cowgirl, and cowgirl.
Technical Details:
- Resolution: 640x480
- Release Date: 1999
- Studio: Kick Ass Pictures
- Cast includes Melody Love, Charlene Aspen, Aurora Cortez, Carmen Vera, Jane Lixx, and their respective male partners.
Rating: Various scenes rated between 8.60 and 9.00 based on performance and engagement.
This film is categorized under adult entertainment and features explicit sexual content.