Messing and Wetting Diaper, Hitachi, Showering and Diapering Myself

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Little Ellie is all stinky from being in her wet diaper all night! She goes into the bathroom in her cute little hello kitty dress. Ellie realizes that she has to pee one more time before she takes off her diaper. She starts to wet her already soaking and full diaper, and the force or her body peeing causes her to accidentally create a huge dirty mess in her already loaded diape. Ellie is so happy with herself that she was able to mess her diaper like a baby without even trying to, that she rewards herself by masturbating in her messy diaper with her hitachi. Ellie smushes her huge smelly mess all over her bottom with her favorite toy and has a lot of fun playing with herself. Ellie is so naughty, spreading her mess with the vibrator, that it starts to squeeze out of the full diapers leg holes. Ellie takes off the squishy , loaded diaper and climbs into the shower to wash herself clean. She takes the shower head off of its stand, and sprays it directly into her pussy and ass to wash away her mess. Ellie decides that if shes  going to act like such a baby, messing her already soaked diapers uncontrollably, then she better look like a baby. Afterall, cleaning is much easier if all of that pesky grown up hair is gone. Ellie shaves her little pussy completely clean and hairless, then makes sure to get rid of the rest of her grown up body hair. Ellie lashers herself up. Now completely clean, she steps out of the shower, dries off and diapers herself in a soft fresh diaper. After all of this Ellie cant help but feel turned on again and plays with her hitachi again, getting just to the edge before turning it off. She'll reward herself more later.

