- 09.27.17 - Alura Jenson & Dee Williams - iMAGESET -
The content centers around a fictional narrative involving a character named Mookie Jordan, a talented wide receiver who is facing personal challenges that could impact his football career. His girlfriend, Shonda, is seen as a distraction by coaches, prompting them to enlist the help of two athletic program administrators, Alura Jenson and Dee Williams. The administrators' goal is to persuade Mookie to end his relationship with Shonda. To achieve this, Alura and Dee engage in intimate encounters with Mookie, which leads him to reconsider his relationship. The story describes various explicit actions and scenarios involving Mookie and the two women, ultimately resulting in him deciding to break up with his girlfriend. Key elements of the narrative include themes of seduction and manipulation, with a focus on adult interactions. The content includes specific adult themes and elements such as group dynamics and explicit sexual activities.