Title: Piddle #18 Overview****Content Summary: Piddle #18 is an uncensored JAV video from the Piddle series, featuring a compilation of various Asian women of different ages engaging in urination activities. The video primarily showcases women in bathrooms and showers, with some scenes occurring on floors, couches, or in bowls.
The compilation highlights a range of body types, predominantly featuring slim women with small breasts. While most women have natural body hair, some are completely shaved. The uploader indicates that more content from this series will be available in the future.
Technical Details:
- File Size: 1.06 GB
- Duration: 37 minutes and 1 second
- Audio Format: AAC
- Video Format: H264
- Resolution: 1280x720p
Contributors: The video includes performances by various actresses such as Masumi Miyaji, Megumi Muroi, and others.
Note: The content is intended for adult audiences, and the uploader expresses gratitude to the original source for the material.