"Virgin Hostage" (1972) marks the decline of the hardcore roughie genre, which began to wane in the 1980s with the rise of video. During this time, many companies began to remove elements of bondage and non-consensual themes from adult films, resulting in incoherent narratives. However, some collections, like After Hours' Grindhouse Hostage, still offer glimpses into this controversial era, albeit with a necessary disclaimer that these films do not reflect real-life sexual assaults, which are serious crimes. The film is set in an apartment complex and follows three bank robbers who invade the home of two young women, one portrayed by Suzanne Fields. The ringleader, Willy, directs the other robbers into a series of uninspired sexual positions, while he struggles with erectile dysfunction. As the plot unfolds, additional characters appear, leading to unexpected developments and a random climax. Although the film lacks genuine eroticism, its peculiar dialogue and erratic sexual scenes create a disorienting viewing experience. The cast remains naked throughout, likely to maintain audience engagement.