Hustler XXX 31
Title: Hustler XXX Video #31 (2008)Director: Otto Bauer
Summary: This adult film features a cast of performers including Aiden Starr, Alexis Texas, and Dana DeArmond, among others. It is characterized as a gonzo series focusing on explicit sexual content, including bondage, anal scenes, threesomes, double penetration, and girl-on-girl interactions. Scene Breakdown:.
Neighborhood Dungeon - 27 minutes, starring Madison Young, Aiden Starr, and Dave Hardman..
Suburban Swingers - 28 minutes, starring Desire Moore, Alexis Texas, and Otto Bauer..
Bored Housewife - 29 minutes, starring Desire Moore and Lee Stone..
Workplace Fantasy - 20 minutes, starring Kelly Wells and Dave Hardman..
Trailer Sex - 28 minutes, starring Dana DeArmond and Dirty Harry.
Overall, the film presents a variety of explicit scenes focusing on a range of sexual activities, depicting a dark and adventurous exploration of sexuality.