{RKPrime} Luna Star ~ Fuck My Girl HD720p
Luna Star engages in a sexual encounter with Marcus Dupree while her boyfriend observes. Dressed in a tank top and short shorts, Luna performs oral sex on Marcus before he takes control, leading to various sexual acts including anal penetration. The scene is described with explicit detail, emphasizing Luna's enjoyment and physical reactions. The encounter includes multiple positions and culminates with Marcus climaxing.
The video has a runtime of 29 minutes and 5 seconds, with a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels and an audio codec of MPEG AAC. It is categorized under adult content.
Additionally, there is an invitation for others to request torrents that may not have seeds, along with a mention of other uploads related to the genre. There is a note about a specific GF Revenge scene being available as freeleech and appreciation for credits, while asking not to gift gigabytes.