Taissianal PMV
Title: Taissia Shanti in "Taissianal" - An Overview
Description: "Taissianal" is an Ultra-Wide party music video featuring Taissia Shanti, known for her engaging performances. The video has a runtime of 11 minutes and 24 seconds, presented in a 2560x1080 resolution at 60fps. It incorporates music while featuring selective original sound, but does not have subtitles or chapters.
Content Summary: The video showcases Taissia Shanti engaging in intimate scenes with an unnamed male partner. It begins with her noticing the partner's physical attributes while by the pool, leading to a series of intimate actions, including undressing, kissing, and explicit sexual activities. The scene highlights her comfort and positive demeanor throughout.
Technical Details:
Source: Ultra Films, released on August 4, 2018.
Video Format: MPEG-4, AVC codec.
File Size: 454 MiB.
Audio Format: AAC LC, stereo.
Music Tracks Featured: -"Feeling It All" by Myde & Ellie Lawson -"No Remorse" by Stargazers & Shanokee.
Notes: The creator expresses appreciation for using an ultrawide format and mentions challenges faced while editing, particularly with timeline markers in the software used. The video aims to deliver a visually appealing experience for viewers with ultrawide screens.
Disclaimer: The video includes a warning for potential epilepsy triggers.