Super Tits Vol 1 #4 1976
The document outlines details about a collection of scans from magazines, primarily featuring female models in various poses, including some light adult content.
Key points include:
Content Overview: The scans predominantly display female models, with minimal adult themes.
Image Quality: The magazines are scanned using a large format scanner, balancing quality and file size.
Magazine Composition: Many magazines contain numerous articles alongside photos, and some may include a significant proportion of advertisements. Scans from issues primarily from the 1980s onward often exclude pages that are entirely advertisements to save space..
Scanning Process: Each magazine takes approximately one hour to scan, correct, crop, and convert, limiting the time available for extensive touch-ups..
Watermarking: Watermarks have been added to the scans to prevent unauthorized sales of the images..
Model Age Verification: All models featured in the scans are stated to be at least 18 years old at the time of production.