[Hucows] Liz & Blondie - Dual Goat Milker [1080p|MP4] *2021-11-06*
Two friends, Liz and Blondie, experienced a challenging situation together while using a dual goat milker. The device operates more effectively when all four cups are utilized, leading to intense sensations for both individuals. The power setting was maximized, resulting in significant discomfort, as they endured prolonged pressure that left visible marks. During a standard session, they underwent a series of procedures, including udder checks, oiling, application of the milking cups, and a post-milking inspection. The physical differences between them were notable; Liz had pointed udders with larger nipples, while Blondie possessed fuller udders with smaller nipples. Both had sensitive teats, making the experience particularly difficult. Despite the ordeal, they found solace in enduring it together.