Your Destiny Is To Die Of Suffocation, 29 min

The first item on the checklist is to avoid pissing off the Amazon . The second item on the checklist
is to remember to run once you have pissed her off.
Apparently the mouthy bitch in this movie hasn't seen the checklist. Applying **harsh head scissors,
schoolboy pins, choke holds, fireman's carries and many other painful moves**, this hulk of a woman beats
her inferior opponent to a pulp. Of course, it isn't over until she **plants her crotch on the idiot with a
nasty face sitting scene**.
The last item on the checklist is for people - who like to see mouthy bitches get put in their place - to
watch this movie. Of course, if you've read this far, you're probably one of those people. So get your
popcorn ready and sit back for a first rate beat down.