Sealing The Deal With An Old Flame, 33 min
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Wh?t a coincidence, th?? ?unt?r I ???k?d up ?n? r??n? ?ft?rn??n turn?d ?ut t? b? Ir??h P?t?, a gu? I had th? hots f?r in school. H? ?lw??? h?d a ?ru?h ?n m?, ?nd I kn?w r?ght ?w?? he'd jump ?n th? ?h?n?? t? f?n?ll? get a taste of m? juicy ?unt. I flirted w?th h?m un??h?m?dl? ?nd said I w?nt?d t? m?k? u? f?r l??t time. On?? I h????d in th? b??k, he wanted t? ?n?? ??m? ???tur?? on h?? phone ?f m? ?u?k?ng h?m off, ?th?rw??? n? ?n? w?uld believe w?'d had a proper r?m? ?n m? ??b th?t had m? gu?h?ng ?ll ?v?r th? fu?k?ng ???t?! W?ll gu?? ?nd g?rl? after th?t looney husband bur?t into my ?ff??? th? other day I'v? been tr??ng to keep th?ng? low key, but th?n I thought, fu?k ?t, so I r?n ?n?th?r ?dv?rt in th? local rag. Oh my G?d, I'm gl?d I d?d. Th?? S??tt??h b?rd turn? up ?t th? ?ff??? l??k?ng ?ll ?r?m and ?r???r, dolled u?, a b?t ?r?f?????n?l l??k?ng ??u ??uld ???. P?rh??? ?n?th?r ??tw?lk w?nn?b? I thought.... A? it turns out, no, not ?t ?ll, she ?nl? g??? and say's ?h? loves fu?k?ng ?nd w?nt? t? work ?n porn. L??k? l?k? m? ?r???r? h?v? b??n ?n?w?r?d ?nd wh?l?t m? name ??n't Bu?k I m??t definitely l?v? t? fu?k. S? I g?t h?r to ?l?wl? strip ?ff ?n a seductive manner ?nd ?h? r?v??l? the b??t n?tur?ll? big tits I'v? had in a l?ng t?m?. With tit's like th??? there was ??rt??nl? ?n? th?ng ?n m? m?nd... Sl???? t?t w?nk. After getting h?r t? ?l?? w?th her ?u??? f?r a b?t I get myself all ??mf?rt?bl? ?nd ?h?v? my cock between those tw? b?un??ng ?u?????. Th?n I put her ?n her b??k and ?t?rt pounding her m?????n?r? style. This, to my amazement ??u??? the tw? m?unt??n like ???r of t?t? to giggle b??k ?nd forth l?k? a ???r ?f ????? h????r? and then go ?n d?ff?r?nt d?r??t??n? l?k? opposing m?gn?t?. Fu?k, what a turn ?n. An?w?? th?t'? ?n?ugh fr?m m?, ?nj?? th? ??t??n.