Super Shocking Sex Scenes, 28 min
Asia Argento,
Alexa Weix,
Barbara Hershey,
Brigitte Bako,
Brigitte Petronio,
Carla Gugino,
Chantal Degroat,
Dawn Dunlap,
Edwige Fenech,
Emily Haack,
Farrah Fawcett,
Francesca Ciardi,
Hilary Swank,
Jennifer Aniston,
Clive Owen,
Elisabeth Shue,
Jennifer Jason Leigh,
Jodie Foster,
Katt Shea,
Lana Clarkson,
Lara Belmonte,
Laura Gemser,
Leslie Stefanson,
Lori Jo Hendrix,
Lucy Grantham,
Lynn Theel,
Margaux Hemingway,
Maya Barovich,
Sandra Cassel,
Silvana Gallardo,
Susan George,
Susan Sennett,
Tara Reid,
Yvette Mimieux
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Do flowers and chocolate and gently making love by candlelight make you a little queasy? Then perhaps Mr. Skin's Super Shocking Sex Scenes playlist will be more up your alley. These skinfamous scenes are all notoriously ro ugh-and-tumble, and none of them play nice. Just remember: It's only a movie...It's only a movie...It's only a movie....
First, the skinfamous scene of Jodie Foster assaulted atop a pool table while a gang of rednecks look on in The Accused (1988),
followed by the legendary "Singin' in the Rain" sequence featuring redhead Adrienne Corri fully frontal and Cheryl Grunwald baring boobs as she's held down for the old in-out, both from the perverse masterpiece A Clockwork Orange (1971).
Then we've got Farrah Fawcett blo odied up and baring her right tit as she's physically and psychologically terrorized in Extremities (1986)
and low-budger shock-horror queen Emily Haack baring every inch as she's handcuffed standing up, rou ghly scrubbed, threatened with a razor blade, and smacked around in Scrapbook (2000).
Then the Haack attack continues with more full nudity from Emily Haack in an intensely humiliating sex scene from Scrapbook (2000),
followed by Sara Paxton's bare butt as she struggles and cri es in a scene from the remake of Last House on the Left (2009)
and more classic '70s shock as Camille Keaton bares full frontal in a disturbing pair of scenes from I Spit on Your Grave (1978).
After that, we've got ripe, round ass galore as Carla Gugino goes skinny-dipping with two female friends, who then lesbionically themselves on her, in Jaded (1996), and a lingering shot on her bruised, sandy seat meat as she lies face-down on the beach the morning after.
Next are a couple of quick full-frontal looks at lithe blonde Delores Taylor tied to the ground in Billy Jack (1971) and of Shirley Jaffe as a gang of droogies rips off her clothes in A Clockwork Orange (1971).
And then we've got the original /revenge shocker The Last House on the Left (1972), featuring T&A from Sandra Cassel and Lucy Grantham as a gang of baddies strip them nude and ro ugh them up.
Then it's a trio of Death Wish nudes as Kathleen Tolan has her shirt ripped off and her ass exposed as she's assaulted on a couch (by a young Jeff Goldblum!) in the original Death Wish (1974), followed by Silvana Gallardo repeatedly attacked by some very '80s-looking thugs as a young Laurence Fishburne cheers them on in Death Wish 2 (1982) and those same punks ro ughing up a topless Robin Sherwood, also from Death Wish 2.
Next Susan George bares her succulent suck sacks in the famous couch scene from Straw Dogs (1971), followed by Susan taunting a gang of workers outside with her toplessness in the same film.
Then Yvette Mimieux bares her little pokers receiving some very r ough treatment from a county sheriff in Jackson County Jail (1976),
Candice Lewald is thrown on a pool table and treated like a plaything by a gang of bros in Gutterballs (2008),
and Maya Barovich is treated with extreme cruelty by a trio of attackers who cut off her right nipple in Chaos (2005), followed by a similarly attack on a tied-up Chantal DeGroat in the same film. The only upside? Chantal bares it all.
Then Dawn Dunlap bares medieval mammage as she gets manhandled by a gang of burly, bearded barbarian dudes in two scenes from Barbarian Queen (1985), and Susana Traverso bares more boobage as Lana Clarkson defends her from a in the same movie. Katt Shea isn't so lucky.
After that, Elen Sandweiss re-defines "getting wood" as she's held down and penetrated by a twat-hungry tree in The Evil Dead (1981) before fleeing through the forest,
and Laura Gemser struggles as a topless babe holds her down in Emmanuelle's Daughter: Queen of Sados (1979). Check out that fantastic full frontal!
Next, a baddie cuts off Susan Sennett's clothes with a pocketknife as her kid looks on (!) before a man in a van comes and pulls her attacker off of her in The Candy Snatchers (1973),
and Barbara Hershey shows supernatural snatch and snoobage as she's manhandled by an invisible hand in The Entity (1981).
Then we get a killer's eye view of Brigitte Bako blindfolded, stripped naked, and rou ghed up in Strange Days (1995),
followed by the quickest glimpse of Leslie Stefanson fully frontal lying on the ground and surrounded by a gang in The General's Daughter (1999)
and Jennifer Jason Leigh proving you've got to be careful what you wish for when she rips open her top in a bar before and being treated like a sex toy in Last Exit to Brooklyn (1989).
And who's that up next, flashing quick looks at her tits, thatch and tush as a rowdy gang of soldiers has their way with her in Flesh + Bl ood (1985)? It's Jennifer Jason Leigh again!
Then Francesca Ciardi shows every inch she's got as she violated, beat with sticks, and torn to bits by cannibals in stills and SKIN motion in Cannibal Holocaust (1980)
and Elisabeth Shue suffers a slightly kinder (but not by much) fate, as she recalls being attacked by a group of jersey-clad jocks as she showers off in Leaving Las Vegas (1995).
Next we SkinVision an otherwise dark and shadowy scene of a guy throwing vAsia Argento onto a bed and exposing her left great in The Stendhal Syndrome (1996),
and we get a much better view of Lori Jo Hendrix as she suffers the indignity of lesbian prison assault in Prison Heat (1993). Nice melons, though.
Then Margaux Hemingway plays a model who bares boobs, butt and bush as a thoroughly creepy Chris Sarandon strips her, ties her up and smears her with lipstick in a long, assault scene from Lipstick (1976).
Next, Lara Belmon t bares FFN as she gets a doggy-style humping from dear old Dad with her brother looking on in The War Zone (1999),
the gorgeous Brigitte Petronio shows her pretty little pink nips and dense blonde muff as she's terrorized by David Hess, who cuts her perfect pale skin with a razor, in The House on the Edge of the Park (1980),
and stripperfied bottle blondes Lauren Palac and Renee Sloan have a wild, T&A filled three-way with a big beefy dude before he cuts them to bits with a razor in Murder-Set-Pieces (2004).
Then Jennifer Aniston and Clive Owen are adulterous yuppies threatened by a gum-chewing thug who then attacks Jen in Derailed (2005)
and Tara Reid gets emotional recalling a tits-out date-scenario in Body Shots (1999). Cheer up Tara, your funbags look great!
After that Hilary Swank goes bare from the waist down when some flannel-clad bullies expose the secret snatch in her jeans in Boys Don't Cr y (1999),
Chloe Russell exposes her cantaloupes as a creepy trucker himself on her in Suspect Zero (2004),
Edwige Fenech succumbs to an insistent suitor who rips her top off outside in the rain in The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh (1971),
Lynn Theel is covered in goop and slime as a monster rips her bikini top off and mounts her in Humanoids from the Deep (1980),
and then a pair of scenes showing Lynn's lungs in the slimy aftermath of the attack and Linda Shayne's jugs jiggling as she takes a swipe at the creature in the same film.
Finally, a gang of thugs rips off Francesca Neri's top before having their way with her in a dark, shadowy scene from Outrage (1993),
and Blythe Auffarth is , blindfolded, and strung up like a side of beef before a gang of perverted little kids strips off her clothes to expose her tight tush, trimmed thatch, and tiny little ta-tas in The Girl Next Door (2007). Keep telling yourself...It's only a movie...only a movie...only a movie...