Bad Ass Discipline, 63 min
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Gia is a stripper from the windy city who just loves to brag about how much money she makes doing lap dances. Lap dancing is indeed a strippers stock and trade; this is where the vamp earns her real money. When Joe six-pack staggers home on a Friday night to face his wife and kids sans paycheck chances are if he wasn't betting on the ponies, he had a wicked tart like Gia grinding on his lap for an hour or so. Ms. Primo is an especially accomplished lap dancer who prides herself on having emptied many, many a good man's wallet. The truth be told, that's why Gia came to work for us; we told her we make Red Hot Lap Dancing videos. Heh-heh. Spanking the bouncing bare bottom of an in fact amoral self-centered temptress such as Gia is indeed a most enviable task. For here one need not be troubled by any mixed emotions when the miscreant's indignant screams turn to desperate howls and the tears begin to flow.
After all there's nothing quite so effective as having some good righteous indignation serve as a precursor for some bad, baaaaad fun. Besides, it's time this wicked tart gained some respect for the value of the dollar and began contemplating the benefits of getting a real job.
Veronika Raquel... Here we have a popular porn star who now fancies herself as an up and coming supermodel. No doubt looking to give her knees a well-earned rest, Veronika sashayed into our studio with a suitcase full of high rent lingerie and some decidedly low rent manners. Indeed it didn't take her but a scant few minutes to piss off everyone in the room. That's when our man took it upon himself to cut the uppity slut down a few notches. No sooner did the first hard swung smack find its mark with crisp report than Ms. Raquel shed her haughty act and began shaking her ripe ass cheeks and cursing like a, well... like a whore. Her overall demeanor was in fact nothing less than shocking! Wisely, our man elected to toss discretion to the wind and proceeded to administer the sort of ferocious, no holds barred bare ass thrashing a common streetwalker might expect from her pimp. Hey, if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a... well, you get the picture. Hissing, kicking and shrieking Veronika's manners improve not in the least. Our man's moral outrage now hardens into something decidedly more primitive. In most instances we would be the first to concur with the commonly held belief that one should never spank in anger... but not today. Not even close. To put it crudely this bitch just plain deserves it! Indeed Ms. Raquel is without question the quintessential poster girl for the whole concept of disciplinary ass spanking. We are therefore pleased to report that Veronika's butt cheeks were given ample cause to bounce, jiggle and shake most delightfully and without even a moment's pause for damn close to twenty solid minutes.
Hey, sometimes things really do play out just like they should.
Sasha Sparks is a long legged blonde bombshell is indeed very easy on the eyes; she can also be very hard on the nerves. As is all too often the case in situations such as this, the source of the tension was that of unrealistic expectations. It would seem that Ms. Sparks was anticipating a multitude of frivolous amenities such as a formal dressing room, someone to apply her makeup and other perks too silly to list here. The most contentious issue however turned out to be that of the room air conditioning, or to be more precise the lack thereof. We were of course fully aware that it was July and that the heat was indeed a tad more than unbearable but what Sasha failed to appreciate was that camcorders come equipped with microphones and that the 1970's era air conditioner in our room made too much noise when engaged. Is that really so hard to understand? Worse still after awhile more she began using coarse and unladylike language when expressing herself. I'm not making this up! Naturally, that was when we saw fit to introduce the tart tongued diva to some real heat... Real heat applied briskly and repeatedly where it would do her the most good. Of course any job worth doing - such as this most necessary of tasks - should be done right and with no effort spared.
Hey, air conditioner or no air conditioner some folks don't mind working up a good sweat for a worthy cause. The truth be told, no one did much sweating anyway. I mean things got so loud, so fast that we elected to turn the AC on after all, and guess what? We couldn't even hear the damn thing or at least not until after our model ran off yelping.